Send your song

Are you an artist and want your song in our record label as a release of Daztrax Studios?

Hey, welcome! We're glad to show the work of talented people by releasing their songs to the digital stores, and also as a normal release or even an exclusive song and get used in several of our works or games.


Please take in mind some things first:

Here's all the conditions about the earnings of the song as a release of Daztrax Studios:

Request to release as a LEZ exclusive:

By requesting the release, you can request the release of the song(s) as exclusives to our rhythm video game LEZ. However, the review of this application will be much stricter, since the quality of the music and each of its auditory details are taken with great attention. By requesting release as a LEZ exclusive, you agree that we reserve the rights to the song for exclusive use beyond release on digital storefronts. If your song was not accepted for release as a LEZ exclusive, we can still give you the option to release it in our record label, but not as a LEZ exclusive.


Do I have to do a specific genre for my song to be accepted?

Not exactly, the genre we mostly accept is any type of electronic music , but we may accept similar genres for our record label.

How can I know if my song has been accepted?

If you send a request for your song, we'll get in contact with you with the email you provided to let you know if your song was accepted or denied.

If someone asks me for permission to use my song for something other than something in Daztrax Studios, can I give them permissions/licenses?

You are free to give permissions ALWAYS WHEN IT IS FOR NON-COMMERCIAL/PERSONAL USE, in case it is for a video (YouTube video for example), we ask that you tell that person that they can use it as long as they add the song credits in the video or in the description.

If the person needs a commercial/business license, tell us that they need to get contact with us and request a commercial/business license so we can discuss about the commercial/business license.

In case you have a manager, it would be better to tell them to get contact with us for a commercial/business license.

Does the release will have Content ID enabled?

Yes, it will have Content ID unless you request to us to disable it.

What do I get with a release on Daztrax Studios besides releasing it to digital stores?

Do you have another question, please let us know in the contact section.